Our Apps

Multiple of Quantity - Multi Website , Sales Order , Product , Cart

This app supports to add the Multiples of the quantity on the product page and based on that it will display by default on shop page and you can multiply the quantity.

Product Variant Description - Internal, Sales Order, Purchase Order, Delivery Order, Incoming order, Internal Transfer

In Odoo , You cannot change the description but using this app, your purpose will be solved. You can add the Internal, Sales Order, Purchase Order, Delivery Order, Incoming order and Internal Transfer description.

Sales Order Delivery and Invoice Status

This app supports to add the Multiples of the quantity on the product page and based on that it will display by default on shop page and you can multiply the quantity.

Customers/ Suppliers Email History

Perigeon Email History Odoo App helps you to display the exchanging of emails and messages with customers and suppliers with a single button.

Merge Multiple Delivery Orders / Incoming Shipments

When there are lots of picking delivery / incoming shipment/receipts it is very hard to manage them as it is difficult for warehouse person to open each delivery and shipment/receipts and process each one of them one by one. Here we are presenting our app which can reduce the time of work of warehouse user who can merge the delivery orders and incoming shipment/receipts.

Dashboard - Project Management

This app allows you to monitor progress of multiple projects with detailed view like Timesheet for each employee allocated to project, Task hour tracking, Project activities and Employee activities.

Product Image on Order Line Sales / Purchase / Invoice

Display product image on sale / purchase order line, invoice line, sale purchase, sales order line numbering and invoice report.

Contact Approval / Rejection

This app will provide the authority to approve and reject contacts, partners, vendors, customers, clients. only Approved contacts can be seen in the system when Sales , Purchase , Invoices , CRM and Inventories generated. When contacts will be created , it will be “Under Approval” state , Contact Manager can change the state from approve , not approved. This Odoo app provides facility to mass approval and rejection to contact managers.

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