Comparative Analysis of Salesforce Managed vs Unmanaged Packages

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Understanding Salesforce Packages

Managed Packages: Overview and Features

Unmanaged Packages: Overview and Features

Comparative Analysis of Managed vs. Unmanaged Packages


How Perigeon Software Can Help You Choose the Right Package


In the realm of Salesforce development, the choice between managed and unmanaged packages is pivotal. Each offers distinct advantages and functionalities, catering to diverse project requirements and organizational needs. This comparative analysis aims to dissect the nuances of managed and unmanaged packages, empowering organizations to make informed decisions when selecting the most suitable packaging method for their Salesforce implementations.

Understanding Salesforce Packages:

Before delving into the specifics of managed and unmanaged packages, it’s imperative to grasp the fundamental concept of Salesforce packages. These packages serve as containers for organizing and deploying metadata elements within the Salesforce platform, facilitating the distribution of customizations across different environments.

Managed Packages: Overview and Features:

Managed packages are curated bundles of metadata and code developed by Salesforce Independent Software Vendors (ISVs). They are designed for distribution and sale on the Salesforce AppExchange, offering protection of intellectual property and streamlined upgrades for end-users.

Managed Packages: Key Characteristics and Advantages

  • Protected Intellectual Property: Managed packages allow ISVs to safeguard their proprietary code and configurations, ensuring that intellectual property rights are
  • Streamlined Upgrades: End-users of managed packages benefit from seamless upgrades facilitated by Salesforce, eliminating the need for manual intervention and ensuring access to the latest features and enhancements.
  • License Management: Managed packages enable ISVs to implement licensing models and control access to their applications, providing flexibility in pricing and subscription management.

Unmanaged Packages: Overview and Features:

In contrast, unmanaged packages are collections of metadata and code that can be easily modified within the Salesforce org where they are installed. They offer flexibility and customization capabilities but lack the robust upgrade mechanisms and IP protection provided by managed packages.

Unmanaged Packages: Key Characteristics and Advantages:

  • Flexibility and Customization: Unmanaged packages empower organizations to customize and extend packaged functionalities directly within their Salesforce orgs,
    facilitating tailored solutions to meet specific business requirements.
  • Real-time Modification: Developers can make on-the-fly adjustments to components included in unmanaged packages, allowing for rapid iterations and immediate responses to evolving business needs.
  • Complete Control: Organizations have full control over the contents of unmanaged packages, enabling them to modify, delete, or add components as needed without
    restrictions imposed by managed package limitations.

Comparative Analysis of Managed vs. Unmanaged Packages:

Features and Capabilities:

Feature Managed Packages Unmanaged Packages
Intellectual Property Protected Not protected
Upgrade Mechanism Streamlined upgrades facilitated by Salesforce Manual intervention required
Licensing and Access Control License management and access control No built-in licensing or access control
Flexibility and Customization Limited customization capabilities Extensive customization options
Control Over Package Contents Restricted by ISV Complete control by organization
Development Environment Separate namespace and isolated development environment Shared namespace and direct modification in target org

Use Cases and Suitability:

Use Case Managed Packages Unmanaged Packages
ISV Distribution Ideal for distribution and sale on AppExchange Not suitable for distribution; primarily for in-house use
Enterprise Customization Limited customization capabilities; suitable for general use cases Well-suited for tailored solutions to specific business needs
Version Control Controlled upgrades and version management Manual version control and potential conflicts
Intellectual Property Protection Ensured protection of proprietary code and configurations No protection of intellectual property rights
Pros and Cons:

Managed Packages:

  • Protected intellectual property
  • Streamlined upgrades and version management
  • Built-in licensing and access control


  • Limited customization capabilities
  • Reliance on ISV for updates and support

Unmanaged Packages:

  • Flexibility and extensive customization options
  • Real-time modification and complete control
  • No restrictions on package contents


  • Lack of intellectual property protection
  • Manual version control and potential conflicts


In conclusion, the choice between managed and unmanaged packages in Salesforce depends on various factors such as intellectual property protection, customization requirements, and upgrade mechanisms. Managed packages are ideal for ISVs distributing applications on the AppExchange, offering streamlined upgrades and IP protection. On the other hand, unmanaged packages provide flexibility and customization capabilities for organizations seeking tailored solutions to specific business needs. By carefully evaluating the features, use cases, and pros and cons of each packaging method, organizations can make informed decisions to optimize their Salesforce implementations.

How Perigeon Software Can Help You Choose the Right Package:

When faced with the decision between managed and unmanaged packages, navigating the nuances and determining the best fit for your organization can be daunting. Perigeon Software offers expert guidance and consultation to help you assess your requirements, evaluate available options, and make informed decisions. Our team of certified Salesforce professionals is dedicated to understanding your unique needs and providing tailored solutions that align with your business objectives. Contact us today to embark on your Salesforce journey with confidence and clarity.