
Effortless Quoting and Precision Pricing

Conga CPQ streamlines your quoting process, ensuring precision in pricing and configuration. With intuitive tools and dynamic pricing strategies, empower your team to create accurate quotes swiftly, driving sales efficiency and boosting revenue.

What is Conga CPQ ?

Conga CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) is a robust sales tool that integrates seamlessly with Salesforce, designed to streamline and automate the quoting and proposal process. It simplifies complex configurations, helps manage pricing strategies, and generates accurate quotes swiftly, enhancing sales efficiency and ultimately boosting revenue.


Streamlined Sales Process

Experience a streamlined sales process with Conga CPQ, simplifying configuration, pricing, quoting, and seamless integration within your Salesforce environment for enhanced insights and efficiency.


Effortless Configuration

Simplify the complexity of product configurations to deliver tailored solutions efficiently and accurately.


Dynamic Pricing Agility

Implement real-time pricing adjustments to respond to market fluctuations and fulfill individual customer needs without compromising profitability.


Professional Quoting Made Easy

Generate professional and branded quotes swiftly and accurately, ensuring consistency and reducing errors across all proposals.


Seamless Salesforce Integration

Seamlessly integrate with your existing Salesforce environment, creating a unified view of customer data for improved insights and decision-making.

Features Driving Sales Excellence


Guided Selling Assistance

Empower your sales team with guided product configurations that align precisely with customer preferences and requirements.


Advanced Pricing Models

Deploy sophisticated pricing models and discount structures to cater to diverse customer needs and boost sales potential.


Automated Approval Workflows

Streamline approval processes with automated workflows, expediting sales cycles and improving overall efficiency.


Mobile Accessibility for On-the-Go Sales

Access and manage quotes from anywhere with mobile compatibility, ensuring your team is always ready to close deals.

Elevate Your Sales Strategy with Conga CPQ

Optimize Quoting, Accelerate Sales, Drive Growth

Ready to transform your sales game? Harness the power of Conga CPQ to streamline your quoting process, boost sales velocity, and unlock exponential growth. Reach out today to witness the impact firsthand!


Additional Areas of Expertise

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