Unlocked Package vs. Unmanaged Package: Selecting the Ideal Option for Your Salesforce Organization


Table of content


Understanding Salesforce Packages

Defining Unlocked Packages

Defining Unmanaged Packages

Best Practices for Utilizing Salesforce Packages

Comparing Unlocked Packages vs. Unmanaged Packages

Choosing the Right Package for Your Salesforce Org



Choosing the right packaging method is critical for maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of custom applications within Salesforce. This article delves into the disparities between Unlocked Packages and Unmanaged Packages, empowering you to make an educated choice based on your organization’s distinct requirements.

Understanding Salesforce Packages:

Salesforce packages function as vessels for organizing and deploying metadata elements throughout the platform. They allow developers to bundle customizations and distribute them across various Salesforce environments, fostering efficiency and reusability.

Defining Unlocked Packages:

Unlocked Packages represent a contemporary packaging solution in Salesforce, offering adaptability and modularity. They enable developers to package metadata and business logic, streamlining deployment processes and facilitating improved release management.

  • Unlocked Packages: Features and Benefits:
    • Granular Component Control: Developers can meticulously manage which components to include or exclude, alongside handling dependencies between different modules. This facilitates tailored customization and efficient distribution.
    • Modularity for Enhanced Development: Unlocked Packages promote modular development practices, allowing developers to craft reusable components shared across projects. This enhances code reusability and scalability.
    • Sophisticated Dependency Management: These packages boast advanced dependency management capabilities, guaranteeing the inclusion of all necessary components during installation, thus streamlining deployment and reducing errors.
    • Accessibility and Customization: Unlike Managed Packages, Unlocked Packages offer access to the source code, empowering developers to customize and extend packaged functionality to meet specific business needs, fostering flexibility and adaptability.

Defining Unmanaged Packages:

Unmanaged Packages are traditional packaging solutions in Salesforce, offering simplicity and speed in deployment. They allow for rapid deployment and ongoing customization capabilities directly within the target org.

  • Unmanaged Packages: Key Characteristics and Advantages:
    • Simplicity and Speed: Unmanaged Packages offer straightforward deployment, enabling organizations to swiftly bundle and deploy customizations across different Salesforce orgs without complex configuration.
    • Complete Control: These packages provide organizations with full control over packaged components, allowing direct modification and customization within the target org, promoting real-time adaptation to evolving business needs.

Best Practices for Utilizing Salesforce Packages:

Irrespective of the chosen package type, adhering to best practices maximizes the benefits of Salesforce packaging:

  • For Unlocked Packages:
    • Strategic Package Structuring: Design a modular package structure for efficient management and distribution of features, facilitating updates and maintenance.
    • Version Control Implementation: Utilize version control systems like Git to track changes and manage different package versions, ensuring record-keeping and easy rollback if needed.
    • Comprehensive Documentation: Document package contents, dependencies, and installation instructions for enhanced collaboration and onboarding of new team members.
  • For Unmanaged Packages:
    • Minimize Customizations: Limit modifications to packaged components to mitigate the risk of conflicts and compatibility issues during upgrades, ensuring a balance between customization and maintainability.
    • Target Org Backups: Before deploying unmanaged packages, create backups of target orgs to safeguard data integrity and enable quick rollback in case of issues.
    • Thorough Testing: Conduct comprehensive testing to ensure that modifications made through unmanaged packages do not adversely affect existing functionality, verifying compatibility and integration.

Comparing Unlocked Packages vs. Unmanaged Packages:

Unlocked Packages and Unmanaged Packages differ in modularity, dependency management, and customization control. While unlocked packages offer enhanced features and flexibility, unmanaged packages provide simplicity and speed in deployment.

Choosing the Right Package for Your Salesforce Org:

The selection of the appropriate package type hinges on factors such as project requirements, collaboration needs, and customization control. By considering these factors, organizations can make an informed decision on whether Unlocked Packages or Unmanaged Packages align best with their Salesforce ecosystem.


Both Unlocked Packages and Unmanaged Packages offer valuable functionality for Salesforce development and deployment. By carefully assessing organizational needs and project requirements, organizations can determine the most suitable package type to optimize the efficiency and scalability of their Salesforce applications.


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